Monday, April 11, 2011

Konnor Mark!

Have haven't been keeping up with this very well . . . Here are some pictures of my beautiful baby boy. Here he is 4 months old. It was one of the first days of 2011 that was warm enough to sit outside. We were enjoying the weather on grandma's porch!

The one in which he is "reading" he is 5 months. He really likes that book from Great Uncle Don and Great Aunt Melody!

The picture below was taken last week. We were enjoying time playing on the floor. He was 6 1/2 months in it.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My so called pregnancy brain!

So I realized last night I didn't put the link on here for the contest! Here it is I have been forgetting things a lot lately, even in the middle of conversations, but I am told it is because I am pregnant. I hope it evenutally goes away! I had more written on here for this post, but the computer messed up and now I need to go!

Monday, July 19, 2010

7 Weeks tomorrow!!

So it's been a while since I have written in here! Tomorrow my due date is 7 weeks away, I can't believe it! I have been researching cloth diapers, since I am planning on using them. My cousin told me about this diaper give away, so I thought I would give it a try since I only have a pack of prefolds and that's it. The contest is for a Happy Heinys® perfect size Pocket diaper. Color is kelly green. To enter the contest you have to publicly follow the blog (which I already did!) and leave a comment saying that you do follow and your email address. If you want more entries then you need to follow Cloth Diaper Addiction on facebook and blog about the contect on your blog. For each of those things you need to leave a comment with your email addy. So all my cloth diapering friends, give it a try! The contest is until July 31st. Winner will be announced August 1st.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Alaska here I come!!!

So it's actually going to happen! I'm going to Alaska. . .for free!! Kev and I are going along as chaperones and the students we are chaperoning raised enough money that we don't have to raise any. I have been wanting to go for as long as I can remember and thought it would be really cool if we could go for one of our anniversaries. Our 2nd Anniversary is May 24 and we are leaving for AK May 25th until June 1st! I feel so blessed! Doing what God wants for you in life may not bring tons of money or things, but I have everything I need, several wants, and so many childhood dreams coming true! I always wanted to travel as a child, but hardly did. Since I started seriously following God I have been to so many places. God is soo good!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

20 weeks down, 20 more to go. . .

Today I am official 20 weeks pregnant, supposedly half way through! Yesterday we had an ultrasound to look at the babies organs and to see if it is a boy or a girl. The ultrasound technician knew right away what our little baby was. He, (yes that is right, we're having a boy!!) is not very modest! Good thing he isn't a girl! He is 10 ounces and is adorable!! She did a 4-D ultrasound on his cute little face and he looks perfect. So cute and beautiful! After the ultrasound we went shopping for baby stuff. We bought an outfit for a little boy. We also picked out how we want the nursery. We are going to brown and blue because it will be easier to match than having a theme, cheaper, and our walls are already tanish/brown! I am so excited, but yet when I see the little boy's outfit, I get kinda scared. I can't wait to hold and hug and kiss him. I am starting to feel him move a lot, and I love it! I love being pregnant!! We just need to come up with a name that starts with a K. We only had girls names. David and Carrie are having a girl but they only had boy names picked out. Oh, babies are sooo exciting!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Secrets Out!

Have you ever kept a secret you wanted to tell so badly? Remember how it feels when you are finally able to let it all out?!? That is how I have been feeling this week. Because Kev's and I secret is out! That's right. . .I'm expecting my first child!!! We are sooo excited! Monday, March 8th was our first appointment and then this last Monday I got my first ultrasound.
We told his parents on Monday night and then sent one of the ultrasound pictures to my parents. I finally received a call from my mom last night. So many people were surprised. Probably because there are so many people pregnant and we didn't say anything. I will be 15 weeks along on this Tuesday. My due date is September 7th. The other night I was pushing on my stomach and I pushed hard on where my baby was and could actually feel the baby. It was a bump! How cool!
God has been showing me how much He loves me through this pregnancy. My sister in law, Carrie is 2 weeks ahead of me in her babiness. We would talk about how much fun it would be to be pregnant at the same time. I felt so blessed that we were able to share this time together. I realized on January 9th that I was pregnant. I told Kevin that I think it would be so fun to be pregnant at the same time as Hannah Avery along with Carrie. The day after I said that, Kev and I were at his parents and Brian told us that Hannah is expecting!! She is due September 5th!! Two days before me! God's love sometimes overwhelms me!
Also, maybe people will realize the reason my stomach is growing isn't due to getting fatter! Bonus!

Monday, March 8, 2010

I Ponder as I Ponder. . . .

Greetings!!! Lately I have been thinking a lot about becoming a better housewife. I have been trying to think of how I can manage taking care of the house and my dear husband, keeping (or getting) the school's kitchen running smoothly, and spending enough time with God.
All of these things have been a real struggle for me since I got married and seem not to get any easier to balance. Some things I have been pondering about doing for a while now are to make a list of housework and to do at least one load of laundry a day. I am also wanting to start up doing etsy more diligently. I have a few items posted but have been taking a little break from it to relax and get other things that I needed to to get done. Our Spring Break is March 19-30 and I am planning on working around the house (and hopefully garden!) and to get a lot of etsy projects done and listed. I was able to use the profit from etsy to pay our car insurance for the first 6 months of this year and am hoping to be able to for the last 6 months of this year. I am also really wanting to get internet at my house next school year. It will be so much easier to do my duties for the school that way and to blog on here!!